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import os,sys,math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
cos = np.cos
sin = np.sin
pi = np.pi
sqrt = np.sqrt
exp = np.exp
linspace = np.linspace
## Gear Profile Generation Scripts
## July 2022
## Copyright Aaron M. Schinder
## Released under the MIT/BSD License
## Do whatever the heck you want with this code.
## Newton's Method Scalar Solver ##
def mergedefaults(kwargs,defs):
merged = dict()
for k in defs:
if(k in kwargs):
merged[k] = kwargs[k]
merged[k] = defs[k]
return merged
def newtonsolve_defaults():
defs = dict();
defs["maxiter"] = 1000
defs["dx"] = 1E-5
defs["tol"] = 1E-5
defs["alpha"] = 0.5
defs["randstep"] = 0.5
defs["use_maxstep"] = False
defs["maxstep"] = 1.0
return defs
#Scalar Newton Solver
#Takes a function of the form y = fptr(x,fpars) and returns a solution x where fptr(x,fpars)=0
#Use: newtonsolve(fptr,x0,fpars,**kwargs)
#Optional Arguments
def newtonsolve(fptr,x0,fpars,**kwargs):
x0 = np.float64(x0)
flag = -1
defs = newtonsolve_defaults()
defs = mergedefaults(kwargs,defs)
maxiter = np.int32(defs["maxiter"])
dx = np.float64(defs["dx"])
tol = np.float64(defs["tol"])
alpha = np.float64(defs["alpha"])
randstep = np.float64(defs["randstep"])
use_maxstep = defs["use_maxstep"]
maxstep = defs["maxstep"]
I = 0
x = x0
f0 = np.float64(fptr(x,fpars))
fp = np.float64(fptr(x+dx,fpars))
fm = np.float64(fptr(x-dx,fpars))
dfdx = (fp-fm)/(2.0*dx)
flag = 1
if((not np.isnan(dfdx)) and (not np.isinf(dfdx))):
deltax = -f0/dfdx*alpha
deltax = deltax/(np.abs(deltax))*maxstep
deltax = (2.0*np.random.randint(0,2)-1.0)*randstep
x = x + deltax
I = I + 1
return [x,flag]
def test_newtonsolve_fn(x,fpars):
y = np.sin(x*x)+fpars
return y
def test_newtonsolve():
fpars = 0.75
fpnt = test_newtonsolve_fn
for I in range(0,10):
x0 = np.random.rand()*10.0
[x,flag] = newtonsolve(fpnt,x0,fpars)
y = fpnt(x,fpars)
print("I:{}: x:{:1.3f} y:{:1.4f} flg:{}".format(I,x,y,flag))
## Basic Geometry ##
#Vector norm
def vnorm(v):
n = np.sqrt(np.sum(v*v))
return n
#Normalize vector
def vnormalize(v):
n = vnorm(v)
v = v/n
v = np.zeros(v.shape)
return v
#2d Vector Hodge Dual
def vdual2d(v):
v2 = np.zeros((2),dtype=np.float64)
v2[0] = -v[1]
v2[1] = v[0]
return v2
#2d vector cross product
def vcross2d(v1,v2):
c = v1[0]*v2[1] - v1[1]*v2[0]
return c
def geom_arg(xy):
return np.arctan2(xy[1],xy[0])
def involute(phi):
x = cos(phi)+phi*sin(phi)
y = sin(phi)-phi*cos(phi)
ri = np.sqrt(x*x+y*y)
theta = np.arctan2(y,x)
return [x,y,ri,theta]
def involute_r_fn(phi,fpars):
[x,y,ri,theta] = involute(phi)
deltar = ri*fpars[0] - fpars[1]
return deltar
def involute_r(
r: np.float64,
rbase: np.float64 = 1.0
r = np.float64(r)
rbase = np.float64(rbase)
theta = np.float64(0.0)
phi = np.float64(0.0)
ri = r
fpnt = involute_r_fn
fpars = [rbase,r]
phi0 = pi/4.0
[phi,flag] = newtonsolve(fpnt,phi0,fpars,dx=1E-4*rbase,tol=1E-4*rbase,alpha=0.5,maxiter=1000)
[x,y,ri,theta] = involute(phi)
x = x*rbase; y=y*rbase; ri=ri*rbase
return [phi,theta,ri]
def involute_theta_fn(phi,fpars):
[x,y,ri,theta] = involute(phi)
deltatheta = theta - fpars
return deltatheta
def involute_theta(
theta: np.float64,
rbase: np.float64 = 1.0
theta = np.float64(theta)
rbase = np.float64(rbase)
fpnt = involute_theta_fn
fpars = theta
phi0 = pi/4.0
[phi,flag] = newtonsolve(fpnt,phi0,fpars,dx=1E-4,tol=1E-4,alpha=0.5,maxiter=1000)
[x,y,ri,thetai] = involute(phi)
x = x*rbase; y=y*rbase; ri=ri*rbase
return [phi,thetai,ri]
def test_involute_r():
phi = linspace(0,pi/2,500)
rbase = 1.75
r = 3.0
theta = linspace(0,2*pi,500)
xc0 = cos(theta)*r; yc0 = sin(theta)*r;
xc1 = cos(theta)*rbase; yc1 = sin(theta)*rbase;
[xi,yi,ri,theta] = involute(phi)
xi = xi*rbase; yi=yi*rbase; ri=ri*rbase;
[phi,theta0,ri0] = involute_r(r,rbase)
[phi2,theta2,ri2] = involute_theta(pi/4,rbase)
def geom_involute_left(rbase,xycenter,theta0,phi1,phi2,N):
rbase = np.float64(rbase)
xycenter = np.float64(xycenter)
theta0 = np.float64(theta0)
phi1 = np.float64(phi1)
phi2 = np.float64(phi2)
N = np.int32(N)
xy = np.zeros((2,N),dtype=np.float64)
phi = np.linspace(phi1,phi2,N)
xy[0,:] = cos(phi-theta0) + (phi)*sin(phi-theta0)
xy[1,:] = sin(phi-theta0) - (phi)*cos(phi-theta0)
xy[0,:] = rbase*xy[0,:] + xycenter[0]
xy[1,:] = rbase*xy[1,:] + xycenter[1]
return xy
def geom_involute_right(rbase, xycenter, theta0, phi1, phi2, N):
rbase = np.float64(rbase)
xycenter = np.float64(xycenter)
theta0 = np.float64(theta0)
phi1 = np.float64(phi1)
phi2 = np.float64(phi2)
N = np.int32(N)
xy = np.zeros((2,N),dtype=np.float64)
phi = np.linspace(-phi1,-phi2,N)
xy[0,:] = cos(phi-theta0) + (phi)*sin(phi-theta0)
xy[1,:] = sin(phi-theta0) - (phi)*cos(phi-theta0)
xy[0,:] = rbase*xy[0,:] + xycenter[0]
xy[1,:] = rbase*xy[1,:] + xycenter[1]
return xy
def delta_involute_left(phi,theta0,rbase):
dxy = np.zeros(2,dtype=np.float64)
dxy[0] = cos(phi-theta0)*(phi)*rbase
dxy[1] = sin(phi-theta0)*(phi)*rbase
return dxy
def delta_involute_right(phi,theta0,rbase):
dxy = np.zeros(2,dtype=np.float64)
dxy[0] = cos(phi-theta0)*(phi)*rbase
dxy[1] = -sin(phi-theta0)*(phi)*rbase
return dxy
def geom_circulararc(r,xycenter,theta0,theta1,N):
r = np.float64(r)
xycenter = np.float64(xycenter)
theta0 = np.float64(theta0)
theta1 = np.float64(theta1)
N = np.int32(N)
th = np.linspace(theta0,theta1,N)
xy = np.zeros((2,N),dtype=np.float64)
for I in range(0,N):
xy[0,I] = xycenter[0] + r*cos(th[I])
xy[1,I] = xycenter[1] + r*sin(th[I])
return xy
def geom_circle(r,N):
r = np.float64(r)
N = np.int32(N)
th = np.linspace(0,2.0*pi,N-1)
xy = np.zeros((2,N),dtype=np.float64)
for I in range(0,N-1):
xy[0,I] = r*cos(th[I])
xy[1,I] = r*sin(th[I])
xy[0,N-1] = xy[0,0]
xy[1,N-1] = xy[1,0]
return xy
def geom_cubicspline(xy0,dxy0,xy1,dxy1,N,r0=1.5,r1=1.5):
xy0 = np.float64(xy0)
dxy0 = np.float64(dxy0)
xy1 = np.float64(xy1)
dxy1 = np.float64(dxy1)
L = xy1-xy0 #two lengthscales
dxy0s = vnormalize(dxy0)*r0
dxy1s = vnormalize(dxy1)*r1
dxy0s[0] = -dxy0s[0]
dxy1s[0] = -dxy1s[0]
dxy0s[1] = -dxy0s[1]
dxy1s[1] = -dxy1s[1]
xy = np.zeros((2,N))
xys = np.zeros((2,N))
ax = np.zeros((4,1))
ay = np.zeros((4,1))
bx = np.float64([[0],[1],[dxy0s[0]],[dxy1s[0]]])
by = np.float64([[0],[1],[dxy0s[1]],[dxy1s[1]]])
A = np.array([[1,0,0,0],[1,1,1,1],[0,1,0,0],[0,1,2,3]],dtype=np.float64)
Ai = np.linalg.inv(A)
ax = np.matmul(Ai,bx)
ay = np.matmul(Ai,by)
t = np.linspace(0,1,N)
o = np.ones(t.shape,dtype=np.float64)
xys[0,:] = ax[0]*o+ax[1]*t+ax[2]*(t**2)+ax[3]*(t**3)
xys[1,:] = ay[0]*o+ay[1]*t+ay[2]*(t**2)+ay[3]*(t**3)
xy[0,:] = xys[0,:]*L[0]+xy0[0]
xy[1,:] = xys[1,:]*L[1]+xy0[1]
return xy
def test_geom_cubic_spline():
xy = geom_cubicspline([0,0],[0,55],[1,1],[1,0],100)
# def geom_twoline_arc(p1,l1,p2,l2,r,N):
# ##future work ....
# return xy
#Oriented two-point arc. Circle joins p1 to p2 with radius r, offset dual to p1p2
def geom_twopoint_arc(p1,p2,r,N):
p0 = 0.5*(p1+p2)
l = (p2-p1)
l = vnormalize(l)
n = vdual(l)
b = vnorm(p2-p1)/2.0
xy = None
a = sqrt(r*r-b*b)
pc = p0 + a*n
th1 = geom_arg(p1-pc)
th2 = geom_arg(p2-pc)
th2 = th2 + 2*pi
xy = geom_circulararc(r,pc,th1,th2,N)
return xy
def test_involute():
th = np.linspace(-pi/4,pi,1000)
[x,y,ri,theta] = involute(th)
x2 = cos(th)
y2 = sin(th)
## Geometry Operations ##
def geom_pt_equal(xy0,xy1, dx=0.0005):
bpe = False
if(np.abs(xy0[0]-xy1[0])<dx and np.abs(xy0[1]-xy1[1])<dx):
bpe = True
return bpe
def geom_translate(xy,xy_trans):
xy = np.float64(xy)
xy_trans = np.float64(xy_trans)
xy2 = np.zeros(xy.shape,dtype=np.float64)
xy2[0,:] = xy[0,:] + xy_trans[0]
xy2[1,:] = xy[1,:] + xy_trans[1]
return xy2
def geom_rotate(xy,theta):
xy = np.float64(xy)
theta = np.float64(theta)
xy2 = np.zeros(xy.shape,dtype=np.float64)
xy2[0,:] = xy[0,:]*cos(theta) - xy[1,:]*sin(theta)
xy2[1,:] = xy[0,:]*sin(theta) + xy[1,:]*cos(theta)
return xy2
#Joins two curves at one of the curves' edges
#Finds which end of each curve is equal to which end of the other
def geom_join_curve(xy1,xy2):
N1 = xy1.shape[1]
N2 = xy2.shape[1]
xyout = None
p11 = np.squeeze(xy1[:,0])
p12 = np.squeeze(xy1[:,N1-1])
p21 = np.squeeze(xy2[:,0])
p22 = np.squeeze(xy2[:,N2-1])
xyout = np.zeros((2,N1+N2-1),dtype=np.float64)
xy2r = geom_curve_reverse(xy2)
xyout[:,0:N2-1] = xy2r[:,1:N2]
xyout[:,N2-1:N2+N1-1] = xy1[:,:]
xyout = np.zeros((2,N1+N2-1),dtype=np.float64)
xyout[:,0:N1-1] = xy1[:,0:N1-1]
xyout[:,N1-1:N1+N2-1] = xy2[:,:]
xyout = np.zeros((2,N1+N2-1),dtype=np.float64)
xyout[:,0:N2-1:1] = xy2[:,0:N2-1:1]
xyout[:,N2-1:N2+N1-1:1] = xy1[:,0:N1]
xyout = np.zeros((2,N1+N2-1),dtype=np.float64)
xy2r = geom_curve_reverse(xy2)
xyout[:,0:N1-1:1] = xy1[:,0:N1-1:1]
xyout[:,N1-1:N1+N2-1] = xy2r[:,:]
return xyout
def geom_curve_reverse(xy):
xy2 = np.zeros(xy.shape)
xy2[:,:] = xy[:,::-1]
return xy2
def test_geom_join_curve():
xy0 = geom_circulararc(1,[0,0],-pi/2,pi/2,10);
xy1 = geom_circulararc(1,[0,2],pi/2,3*pi/2,11);
#xy0 = geom_curve_reverse(xy0)
xy1 = geom_curve_reverse(xy1)
xyc = geom_join_curve(xy0,xy1)
def geom_lineseg(xy1,xy2):
xy1 = np.float64(xy1)
xy2 = np.float64(xy2)
xy = np.zeros((2,2),dtype=np.float64)
xy[0,0] = xy1[0]; xy[1,0] = xy1[1]
xy[0,1] = xy2[0]; xy[1,1] = xy2[1]
return xy
def geom_closecontour(xy):
pt1 = np.squeeze(xy[:,0])
pt2 = np.squeeze(xy[:,xy.shape[1]-1])
if(not geom_pt_equal(pt1,pt2)):
N = xy.shape[1]+1
xy2 = np.zeros((2,N),dtype=np.float64)
xy2[:,0:N-1] = xy[:,:]
xy2[:,N-1] = xy[:,0]
xy2 = np.copy(xy)
return xy2
## Gear Routines ##
#Ref Machinery's Handbook,28, pp 2043.
#This references ANSI B6.1-1968 R1974
def spurgear_ANSI_proportions(**kwargs):
P = 48
N = 18
phi = 20
add_clearance = 0.000
add_outerclearance = 0.000
add_sideclearance = 0.000
if("pressure_angle" in kwargs):
phi = np.float64(kwargs["pressure_angle"])
if("phi" in kwargs):
phi = np.float64(kwargs["phi"])
if("num_teeth" in kwargs):
N = np.float64(np.int32(kwargs["num_teeth"]))
if("N" in kwargs):
N = np.float64(np.int32(kwargs["N"]))
if("diametral_pitch" in kwargs):
P = np.float64(kwargs["diametral_pitch"])
Dp = N/P
if("P" in kwargs):
P = np.float64(kwargs["P"])
Dp = N/P
if("pitch_diameter" in kwargs):
Dp = np.float64(kwargs["pitch_diameter"])
P = N/Dp
if("Dp" in kwargs):
Dp = np.float64(kwargs["Dp"])
P = N/Dp
a = 1.000/P #addendum
b = 1.200/P + 0.002 #dedendum
c = 0.200/P + 0.002 #clearance
f = 0.300/P #fillet radius
if("addendum" in kwargs):
a = np.float64(kwargs["addendum"])
if("dedendum" in kwargs):
b = np.float64(kwargs["dedendum"])
if("clearance" in kwargs):
c = np.float64(kwargs["clearance"])
if("fillet_radius" in kwargs):
f = np.float64(kwargs["fillet_radius"])
if("add_clearance" in kwargs):
add_clearance = np.float64(kwargs["add_clearance"])
if("add_outerclearance" in kwargs):
add_outerclearance = np.float64(kwargs["add_outerclearance"])
if("add_sideclearance" in kwargs):
add_sideclearance = np.float64(kwargs["add_sideclearance"])
Db = Dp*cos(pi/180.0*phi)
Do = Dp + 2*a - 2*add_outerclearance
Di = Dp - 2*b - 2*c - 2*add_clearance
t = pi/2*Dp/N - 2*add_sideclearance
Cp = pi*Dp/N
gearpars = dict()
gearpars["pressure_angle"] = phi
gearpars["num_teeth"] = N
gearpars["diametral_pitch"] = P
gearpars["pitch_diameter"] = Dp
gearpars["base_diameter"] = Db
gearpars["outer_diameter"] = Do
gearpars["inner_diameter"] = Di
gearpars["circular_pitch"] = Cp
gearpars["addendum"] = a
gearpars["dedendum"] = b
gearpars["clearance"] = c
gearpars["fillet_radius"] = f
gearpars["tooth_thickness"] = t
gearpars["add_clearance"] = add_clearance
gearpars["add_outerclearance"] = add_outerclearance
gearpars["add_sideclearance"] = add_sideclearance
return gearpars
#Must include:
# Npts - number of points to use per curved arc
# diametral_pitch, P, pitch_diameter, Dp
# phi, pressure_angle
# num_teeth, N
def spurgear_profile(**kwargs):
gearpars = spurgear_ANSI_proportions(**kwargs)
Npts = 10
if("Npts" in kwargs):
Npts = kwargs["Npts"] #number of points to use per curved arc
phi = gearpars["pressure_angle"]
N = gearpars["num_teeth"]
P = gearpars["diametral_pitch"]
Dp = gearpars["pitch_diameter"]
Db = gearpars["base_diameter"]
Do = gearpars["outer_diameter"]
Di = gearpars["inner_diameter"]
Cp = gearpars["circular_pitch"]
a = gearpars["addendum"]
b = gearpars["dedendum"]
c = gearpars["clearance"]
f = gearpars["fillet_radius"]
add_clearance = gearpars["add_clearance"]
add_outerclearance = gearpars["add_outerclearance"]
add_sideclearance = gearpars["add_sideclearance"]
Rp = Dp/2.0
Ro = Do/2.0
Rb = Db/2.0
Ri = Di/2.0
#calculate involute offset angle at pitch radius
thw = 2*pi/N #angular width of tooth profile
[phid,thetad,rd] = involute_r(Rp,Rb) #theta offset for involtue placement
circp = geom_circle(Rp,360)
circi = geom_circle(Ri,360)
circo = geom_circle(Ro,360)
circb = geom_circle(Rb,360)
#Scenario1: base circle is inside inner circle
[phid3,thetad3,rd3] = involute_r(Ri+f,Rb)
[phid4,thetad4,rd4] = involute_r(Ro,Rb)
theta1 = -thw/2.0
thetaoff1 = -thw/4.0-thetad+add_sideclearance/Rp
theta3 = thetaoff1+thetad3
theta2 = theta3 - f/Ri
theta4 = thetaoff1 + thetad4
xy2 = Ri*np.float64([cos(theta2),sin(theta2)])
xy3 = rd3*np.float64([cos(theta3),sin(theta3)])
dxy2 = np.float64([-sin(theta2),cos(theta2)])
dxy3 = delta_involute_left(phid3,thetaoff1-thetad3,Rb)
cxy1 = geom_circulararc(Ri,[0,0],theta1,theta2,Npts)
cxy2 = geom_cubicspline(xy2,dxy2,xy3,dxy3,Npts)
cxy3 = geom_involute_left(Rb,[0,0],-thetaoff1,phid3,phid4,Npts)
cxy4 = geom_circulararc(Ro,[0,0],theta4,-theta4,Npts)
cxy5 = np.copy(cxy3); cxy5[1,:] = -cxy3[1,:] #why make things difficult?
cxy6 = np.copy(cxy2); cxy6[1,:] = -cxy2[1,:] #why make things difficult?
cxy7 = np.copy(cxy1); cxy7[1,:] = -cxy1[1,:] #why make things difficult?
prof = geom_join_curve(cxy1,cxy2)
prof = geom_join_curve(prof,cxy3)
prof = geom_join_curve(prof,cxy4)
prof = geom_join_curve(prof,cxy5)
prof = geom_join_curve(prof,cxy6)
prof = geom_join_curve(prof,cxy7)
#debug profile
# plt.plot(circp[0,:],circp[1,:],'r--')
# plt.plot(circi[0,:],circi[1,:],'k--')
# plt.plot(circb[0,:],circb[1,:],'b--')
# plt.plot(circo[0,:],circo[1,:],'k--')
# plt.plot(cxy1[0,:],cxy1[1,:],'r')
# plt.plot(cxy2[0,:],cxy2[1,:],'r')
# plt.plot(cxy3[0,:],cxy3[1,:],'r')
# plt.plot(cxy4[0,:],cxy4[1,:],'r')
# plt.plot(cxy5[0,:],cxy5[1,:],'r')
# plt.plot(cxy6[0,:],cxy6[1,:],'r')
# plt.plot(cxy7[0,:],cxy7[1,:],'r')
# plt.plot(prof[0,:],prof[1,:],'g--')
# plt.plot(xy2[0],xy2[1],'rd')
# plt.plot(xy3[0],xy3[1],'rd')
# plt.axis("equal")
#Scenario2 base circle is outside of inner circle
theta1 = -thw/2.0
thetaoff1 = -thw/4.0-thetad+add_sideclearance/Rp
[phid5,thetad5,rd5] = involute_r(Ro,Rb)
phid4 = 0; theta4 = thetaoff1; r4 = Rb
theta3 = theta4; r3 = Ri+f
theta2 = theta3 - f/Ri; r2 = Ri
theta5 = thetaoff1+thetad5
#theta3 = thetaoff1+thetad3
#theta2 = theta3 - f/Ri
#theta4 = thetaoff1 + thetad4
xy2 = r2*np.float64([cos(theta2),sin(theta2)])
xy3 = r3*np.float64([cos(theta3),sin(theta3)])
dxy2 = np.float64([-sin(theta2),cos(theta2)])
dxy3 = np.float64([cos(theta3),sin(theta3)])
xy4 = r4*np.float64([cos(theta4),sin(theta4)])
cxy1 = geom_circulararc(Ri,[0,0],theta1,theta2,Npts)
cxy2 = geom_cubicspline(xy2,dxy2,xy3,dxy3,Npts)
cxy3 = np.float64([[xy3[0],xy4[0]],[xy3[1],xy4[1]]])
cxy4 = geom_involute_left(Rb,[0,0],-thetaoff1,0,phid5,Npts)
cxy5 = geom_circulararc(Ro,[0,0],theta5,-theta5,Npts)
### reflect
cxy6 = np.copy(cxy4); cxy6[1,:] = -cxy4[1,:]
cxy7 = np.copy(cxy3); cxy7[1,:] = -cxy3[1,:]
cxy8 = np.copy(cxy2); cxy8[1,:] = -cxy2[1,:]
cxy9 = np.copy(cxy1); cxy9[1,:] = -cxy1[1,:]
prof = geom_join_curve(cxy1,cxy2)
prof = geom_join_curve(prof,cxy3)
prof = geom_join_curve(prof,cxy4)
prof = geom_join_curve(prof,cxy5)
prof = geom_join_curve(prof,cxy6)
prof = geom_join_curve(prof,cxy7)
prof = geom_join_curve(prof,cxy8)
prof = geom_join_curve(prof,cxy9)
#debug profile
# plt.plot(circp[0,:],circp[1,:],'r--')
# plt.plot(circi[0,:],circi[1,:],'k--')
# plt.plot(circb[0,:],circb[1,:],'b--')
# plt.plot(circo[0,:],circo[1,:],'k--')
# plt.plot(cxy1[0,:],cxy1[1,:],'r')
# plt.plot(cxy2[0,:],cxy2[1,:],'r')
# plt.plot(cxy3[0,:],cxy3[1,:],'r')
# plt.plot(cxy4[0,:],cxy4[1,:],'r')
# plt.plot(cxy5[0,:],cxy5[1,:],'r')
# plt.plot(cxy6[0,:],cxy6[1,:],'r')
# plt.plot(cxy7[0,:],cxy7[1,:],'r')
# plt.plot(cxy8[0,:],cxy8[1,:],'r')
# plt.plot(cxy9[0,:],cxy9[1,:],'r')
# plt.plot(prof[0,:],prof[1,:],'g--')
# plt.plot(xy2[0],xy2[1],'rd')
# plt.plot(xy3[0],xy3[1],'rd')
# plt.axis("equal")
gearprof = np.copy(prof)
for I in range(0,int(N)-1):
prof = geom_rotate(prof,thw)
gearprof = geom_join_curve(gearprof,prof)
# plt.plot(gearprof[0,:],gearprof[1,:],'k')
# plt.axis("equal")
return [gearprof, gearpars]
def test_genpitchseries(**kwargs):
diametral_pitch = kwargs["diametral_pitch"]
N = kwargs["N"]
for I in range(0,len(diametral_pitch)):
for J in range(0,len(N)):
dd = diametral_pitch[I]
NN = N[J]
[gearprof1, gearpars1] = spurgear_profile(Npts = 30, diametral_pitch=dd, N=NN, phi=20,add_sideclearance=0.003,add_outerclearance=0.003)
gname = "gear_{:d}_{:d}".format(dd,NN)
fname = "{}_v1.scad".format(gname)
def test_spurgear_profile():
[gearprof1, gearpars1] = spurgear_profile(Npts = 10, diametral_pitch=36, N=72, phi=20,add_sideclearance=0.003,add_outerclearance=0.003)
[gearprof2, gearpars2] = spurgear_profile(Npts = 10, diametral_pitch=36, N=54, phi=20,add_sideclearance=0.003,add_outerclearance=0.003)
off = 0.5*(gearpars1["pitch_diameter"]+gearpars2["pitch_diameter"])
thw = 2*pi/gearpars2["num_teeth"]
dth = -0.285
GR = gearpars1["num_teeth"]/gearpars2["num_teeth"]
gearprof2 = geom_rotate(gearprof2,thw/2.0+dth)
gearprof1 = geom_rotate(gearprof1,-dth/GR)
## racks
#Ref Machinery's Handbook,28, pp 2043.
#This references ANSI B6.1-1968 R1974
def linearrack_ANSI_proportions(**kwargs):
P = 48
N = 18
phi = 20
add_clearance = 0.000
add_outerclearance = 0.000
add_sideclearance = 0.000
if("pressure_angle" in kwargs):
phi = np.float64(kwargs["pressure_angle"])
if("phi" in kwargs):
phi = np.float64(kwargs["phi"])
if("num_teeth" in kwargs):
N = np.float64(np.int32(kwargs["num_teeth"]))
if("N" in kwargs):
N = np.float64(np.int32(kwargs["N"]))
if("diametral_pitch" in kwargs):
P = np.float64(kwargs["diametral_pitch"])
Cp = pi/P
if("P" in kwargs):
P = np.float64(kwargs["P"])
Cp = pi/P
if("circular_pitch" in kwargs):
Cp = np.float64(kwargs["circular_pitch"])
P = pi/Cp
if("Cp" in kwargs):
Cp = np.float64(kwargs["Cp"])
P = pi/Cp
a = 1.000/P #addendum
b = 1.200/P + 0.002 #dedendum
c = 0.200/P + 0.002 #clearance
f = 0.300/P #fillet radius
if("addendum" in kwargs):
a = np.float64(kwargs["addendum"])
if("dedendum" in kwargs):
b = np.float64(kwargs["dedendum"])
if("clearance" in kwargs):
c = np.float64(kwargs["clearance"])
if("fillet_radius" in kwargs):
f = np.float64(kwargs["fillet_radius"])
if("add_clearance" in kwargs):
add_clearance = np.float64(kwargs["add_clearance"])
if("add_outerclearance" in kwargs):
add_outerclearance = np.float64(kwargs["add_outerclearance"])
if("add_sideclearance" in kwargs):
add_sideclearance = np.float64(kwargs["add_sideclearance"])
Ho = a - add_outerclearance
Hi = -b - c - add_clearance
t = Cp/2 - 2*add_sideclearance
Hb = 1.50*Hi
L = N*Cp
if("bottom_height" in kwargs):
Hb = np.float64(kwargs["bottom_height"])
if("Hb" in kwargs):
Hb = np.float64(kwargs["Hb"])
rackpars = dict()
rackpars["pressure_angle"] = phi
rackpars["num_teeth"] = N
rackpars["diametral_pitch"] = P
rackpars["circular_pitch"] = Cp
rackpars["outer_height"] = Ho
rackpars["pitch_height"] = 0.0
rackpars["inner_height"] = Hi
rackpars["bottom_height"] = Hb
rackpars["length"] = L
rackpars["addendum"] = a
rackpars["dedendum"] = b
rackpars["clearance"] = c
rackpars["fillet_radius"] = f
rackpars["tooth_thickness"] = t
rackpars["add_clearance"] = add_clearance
rackpars["add_outerclearance"] = add_outerclearance
rackpars["add_sideclearance"] = add_sideclearance
return rackpars
def linearrack_profile(**kwargs):
rackpars = linearrack_ANSI_proportions(**kwargs)
rackprofile = None
Npts = 10
if("Npts" in kwargs):
Npts = kwargs["Npts"]
phi = rackpars["pressure_angle"]
N = rackpars["num_teeth"]
P = rackpars["diametral_pitch"]
Cp = rackpars["circular_pitch"]
Ho = rackpars["outer_height"]
Hp = rackpars["pitch_height"]
Hi = rackpars["inner_height"]
Hb = rackpars["bottom_height"]
L = rackpars["length"]
a = rackpars["addendum"]
b = rackpars["dedendum"]
c = rackpars["clearance"]
f = rackpars["fillet_radius"]
t = rackpars["tooth_thickness"]
add_clearance = rackpars["add_clearance"]
add_outerclearance = rackpars["add_outerclearance"]
add_sideclearance = rackpars["add_sideclearance"]
x1 = 0
x2 = Cp/4.0 - add_sideclearance - sin(pi/180*phi)*a
x3 = Cp/4.0 - add_sideclearance + sin(pi/180*phi)*b -sin(pi/180*phi)*f
x4 = Cp/4.0 - add_sideclearance + sin(pi/180*phi)*b + f
x5 = Cp - x4
x6 = Cp - x3
x7 = Cp - x2
x8 = Cp
y1 = Ho
y2 = Ho
y3 = Hi + cos(pi/180*phi)*f
y4 = Hi
y5 = y4
y6 = y3
y7 = y2
y8 = y1
d3 = np.float64([x3-x2,y3-y2])
d6 = np.float64([x7-x6,y7-y6])
cxy1 = geom_lineseg([x1,y1],[x2,y2])
cxy2 = geom_lineseg([x2,y2],[x3,y3])
cxy3 = geom_cubicspline(np.float64([x3,y3]),d3,np.float64([x4,y4]),np.float64([1,0]),Npts)
cxy4 = geom_lineseg([x4,y4],[x5,y5])
cxy5 = geom_cubicspline([x5,y5],[1,0],[x6,y6],d6,Npts)
cxy6 = geom_lineseg([x6,y6],[x7,y7])
cxy7 = geom_lineseg([x7,y7],[x8,y8])
prof = np.copy(cxy1)
prof = geom_join_curve(prof,cxy2)
prof = geom_join_curve(prof,cxy3)
prof = geom_join_curve(prof,cxy4)
prof = geom_join_curve(prof,cxy5)
prof = geom_join_curve(prof,cxy6)
prof = geom_join_curve(prof,cxy7)
rackprofile = np.copy(prof)
for I in range(0,int(N)-1):
prof = geom_translate(prof,[Cp,0])
rackprofile = geom_join_curve(rackprofile,prof)
bxy0 = geom_lineseg([0,Ho],[0,Hb])
bxy1 = geom_lineseg([L,Ho],[L,Hb])
bxy2 = geom_lineseg([0,Hb],[L,Hb])
rackprofile = geom_join_curve(rackprofile,bxy0)
rackprofile = geom_join_curve(rackprofile,bxy1)
rackprofile = geom_join_curve(rackprofile,bxy2)
rackprofile = geom_closecontour(rackprofile)
return [rackprofile,kwargs]
def test_linearrack_profile():
[rackprofile, rackpars] = linearrack_profile(diametral_pitch=36,N=10,phi=20,Hb=-0.25)
def save_closedcontour_scad(contour, fname, modulename="mycontour"):
fp = open(fname,"w+")
printf("{} could not be opened for writing.\n".format(fname))
contour = np.float64(contour)
fp.writelines("// openscad\n\n")
fp.writelines("module {}()\n".format(modulename))
N = contour.shape[1]
fp.writelines("pts = [")
for I in range(0,N):
## internal gears
## Run Tests ##